AM Top Weather: 12-4-2024 (Most recent data at bottom). All wind values are in mph. Date Time Min Max R.H. Rain New Base 20cm Surf Min Avg Avg Max Baro Min Temp Temp % in/hr Snow Snow Snow Snow Batt Wind Wind Wind Pres Batt F F in in C C Wx MPH Dir MPH inHg Wind ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 03 1700 27 28 41 0.00 0.0 22 -3 -6 12.7 4 NNW 7 30.27 12.9 12 03 1800 27 28 41 0.00 0.0 22 -3 -8 12.6 1 SW 4 30.26 12.8 12 03 1900 26 28 44 0.00 0.0 22 -3 -9 12.5 2 SSE 4 30.27 12.7 12 03 2000 27 28 46 0.00 0.0 22 -3 -10 12.4 4 ESE 6 30.26 12.7 12 03 2100 26 28 46 0.00 0.0 22 -4 -10 12.4 4 ENE 6 30.27 12.7 12 03 2200 26 27 48 0.00 0.0 22 -4 -10 12.4 3 NE 7 30.26 12.7 12 03 2300 26 28 46 0.00 0.0 22 -4 -10 12.2 2 SE 4 30.27 12.6 12 04 0000 26 27 47 0.00 0.0 22 -4 -10 12.4 3 E 6 30.26 12.6 12 04 0100 27 28 43 0.00 0.0 22 -4 -10 12.4 2 S 4 30.25 12.6 12 04 0200 27 28 42 0.00 0.0 22 -4 -10 12.3 2 SW 5 30.25 12.6 12 04 0300 27 28 40 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -10 12.3 3 SW 5 30.25 12.6 12 04 0400 27 28 40 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -11 12.3 2 SSW 4 30.24 12.5 12 04 0500 28 28 40 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -10 12.3 2 SSW 4 30.25 12.5 12 04 0600 28 28 39 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -10 12.3 2 SW 3 30.25 12.5 12 04 0700 28 28 36 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -10 12.3 2 WSW 3 30.25 12.5 12 04 0800 27 29 35 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -10 12.3 3 SSW 7 30.25 12.5 12 04 0900 28 30 29 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -9 13.1 2 SW 6 30.27 13.8 12 04 1000 29 30 31 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -8 13.8 0 NW 2 30.27 13.8 12 04 1100 30 33 29 0.00 0.0 22 -5 -7 13.8 2 NW 4 30.27 13.7 12 04 1200 32 34 26 0.00 0.0 21 -5 0 13.6 2 NNW 4 30.26 13.7 12 04 1300 34 36 24 0.00 0.0 21 -4 6 13.5 3 WNW 7 30.25 13.8 12 04 1400 34 36 24 0.00 0.0 21 -4 8 13.5 4 NW 7 30.25 13.8 12 04 1500 32 35 26 0.00 0.0 21 -4 -2 13.5 4 WNW 8 30.25 13.7 12 04 1600 30 33 26 0.00 0.0 22 -3 -4 13.5 5 WNW 9 30.26 13.3 12 04 1700 29 31 29 0.00 0.0 21 -3 -6 12.7 6 WNW 8 30.25 12.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Time Min Max R.H. Rain New Base 20cm Surf Min Avg Avg Max Baro Min Temp Temp % in/hr Snow Snow Snow Snow Batt Wind Wind Wind Pres Batt F F in in C C Wx MPH Dir MPH inHg Wind
- If the reports stop updating at night they may not get restarted until the following morning.
- New snow boards are measured and brushed off between 9AM and 10AM.
- Sonar snow depth readings displayed here may vary from what is measured manually.
- This is provisional data direct from our automated weather stations. Be sure to check for the official snow readings.